訂閱維多利亞的《法式酒釀微醺》、《Long Vacation in Houston》、《貴夫人之浮生六記》電子報,請點擊此處
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Upgrade your email with 1000's of cool animations
Dear all, 

May 31 will be my last day in Nexcom. (Astounded?) 

What's my next step? (Interested?)Be entangled again with a whole new job? Addict myself to travel, writing or photography?Mon Dieu ! Give me a break~Maybe...all I'd like to do is copy the life philosophy from the background song - 【poems, prayers and promises】 by John Denver.

All I have to say is ...thanks very much for all of your share, cheer and support from you in the past. and pls spend a few minutes to replace my email address in your contact list with the new one .I do hope to receive emails from you as usual.

Finally, share you the words written by Winston Churchill.

This is not the end.

It is not even the beginning of the end.

But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.

        《Winston Churchill, 1942》

Keep in touch~
See you~

Upgrade your email with 1000's of emoticon icons 背景音樂 : 【poems, prayers and promises】 by John Denver.

    創作者 維多利亞女王 的頭像


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